Posts about

Job (5)

How to Find a Job Right out of College

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Being a recent graduate, I can understand the pressures of solidifying a job before college ends. The stress of post-grad life threatens you,...

Bill Peppler on unemployment in Orlando 2012

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Tips on Writing an Effective Cover Letter

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One of the most overlooked pieces of applying for a job is the effectiveness of a cover letter. Candidates spend most of their time beefing up their...

The Millennial Shift – How the Workforce Will Look to the Millennials to Fill the Leadership Gap Left by the Baby Boomers

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As the Baby Boomer generation quickly approaches retirement, there is going to be a gap in leadership. The simple truth is the Generation X that...

How to Make a Premium First Impression

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Whether you’re heading to a job fair or preparing for an interview, making a first impression is important if you want to land a great job. As the...

Hand Written “Thank You” vs. E-mail “Thank You”

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“Who gives out thank you notes anymore,” my friend once said to me. I realized how strongly this topic is debated as I finished writing my thank you...

Mistakes That Can Derail Your Job Search

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Applying for any job There isn't any point wasting your time applying for jobs that you're not qualified for. It's a waste of time, energy and...

How a Staffing Agency Can Help You Find the Most Qualified Candidate

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With today's highly competitive job market, conducting a job search requires various strategies which can be quite difficult at times. Looking for...

What to do if you get laid off

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It’s not pretty, but it happens to everyone at one time or another: you were laid off. One day you had a job, and the next you are unemployed. What...

America’s New Energy Job Boom

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America’s shale oil and natural gas industries could lead to massive job growth in this country and produce millions of jobs over the next decade....

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