Getting a new job is very easy. Here are 11 quick tips to help guide you through your next job hunt. Let us know how these did or did not help by emailing
1. Apply only for jobs that meet your knowledge, skills, and abilities.
2. Prepare a clear and concise resume that describes and defines your education and work history. Include any remarkable accomplishments that set you apart from other candidates. Two useful resources for writing a quality resume are “Resume Magic” by Susan Britton Whitcomb and “The Elements of Resume Style” by Scott Bennett. Both books are available, and may also be available at your local college or public library.
3. Develop interview skills and be prepared to answer questions about your education and work history. An excellent resource for developing and improving your interview skills is “Knock ‘Em Dead 2017” by Martin Yate. This book is also available on, and may also be available at your local college or public library.
4. Practice interview questions in front of a mirror to ensure that you are maintaining good posture and eye contact, which are essential items for attaining positive interview results.
5. If possible have someone read to you potential interview questions and record the questions and your answers as a skills building exercise. The previously mentioned book "Knock ‘Em Dead" has several interview questions that are typically asked during the interview process. The internet may be another good source to find interview questions to practice with.
6. As they say, dress for success. Avoid flashy or provocative clothing. Wear your best business attire and be sure that you are well-groomed.
7. Never chew gum or eat candy during an interview. As simple as it sounds, this is a widespread practice that must be avoided.
8. Never speak negatively about a previous employer or supervisor.
9. If there is a negative issue in your background, be prepared to answer it honestly and directly. Never fabricate an answer, as it can affect your employment even if you are hired. Companies today conduct background investigations to determine the integrity of the information that you provided in your resume, application, and interview.
Ever wonder what your past employers can say about you? Find out here!
10. After being provided an opportunity to interview for a job, always send a thank you letter. On some occasions a thank you message may separate you from other potential candidates.
Want to write the best thank you letter ever? Check out our blog How To Write The Perfect Thank You Letter After An Interview
11. Celebrate a job offer and learn from a job rejection. Evaluate your performance and use constructive criticism to enhance your next interview.