Kavaliro Blog

What to Wear: That is the Question!

Written by Kati | Sep 4, 2010 4:32:48 AM

By: Angel Diaz
With my experience in the staffing industry, I have seen quite a few interesting things. I would definitely say that the one thing people consistently get wrong is interview attire.
I am a true believer in never getting a second chance to make a first impression. With interviewing, it’s definitely the truth.

The Basics

You will never go wrong with conservative and solid colored suits. My advice is to go with a black suit. I have also seen dark gray which also works.
A white, long sleeve shirt is always the best way to go. No stripes or zigzags that are going to make the interviewer think he or she is in the Twilight Zone.
For the men: wear a conservative tie, no bright colors or any characters from Disney World (trust me, I have seen it).
I have literally seen woman wear an ensemble that reminds me of Elly May Clampett and men that look like her cousin Jethro. I have nothing against the Beverly Hillbillies, but rope belts and picnic cloth patterned shirts is not the way to go!
By the way, I know it sounds obvious, but make sure your shirts and suits are pressed.


For men: wear dark socks and professional shoes. If you have time to clean them up, do so. For women: tan or light hosiery and moderate shoes. No six inch leopard print heels (once again, I have seen it).


When it comes to comes to perfume and cologne, my advice is to use it sparingly. You don’t want to smell like you just spent an afternoon hanging out at the Macy’s aroma counter. This is one thing that I see interviewees do time after time.
Go conservative with the jewelry. I know we live in a time where “BLING! BLING!” is popular, but anything that takes away from the conversation can hurt your chances in the interview.

Please have manicured or neatly trimmed nails. Always remember that when you first meet a hiring manager, you shake their hand. So why not take the time to pull out the nail file or nail clippers before you interview.

Do Not Let Your Attire Overshadow You

To end on a serious note, please remember that you never know what a manager is going to look for when he or she first meets you. The last thing you want to do is distract them in any way. Once a manager loses interest in you, you may never get it back. You want them to concentrate on your background and skill set, which is ultimately going to get you an offer, not how flashy you can dress!!