Kavaliro Blog

The Power of a Positive Attitude

Written by Kati | May 23, 2013 2:46:20 PM

“Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be precisely determine what we can be.” ― Anthony Robbins

“Cultivate an optimistic mind, use your imagination, always consider alternatives, and dare to believe that you can make possible what others think is impossible.” Rodolfo Costa

Throughout my many years as a certified professional resume writer, I have discovered that the most successful candidates are those that embrace a positive attitude throughout their career campaigns. Multiple sources of stress abound and anxiety is high in the midst of a career transition, however harnessing an optimistic approach always garners lucrative and auspicious results in a job search. Candidates that exude positivity also convey confidence and self-assurance to an employer, which are always attractive traits. No one wants to work with someone who exudes negativity. By demonstrating a positive attitude, you give yourself a competitive edge and you will instill confidence in hiring managers that you have unique value to bring to any new enterprise.

Throughout a job search, there is little that you have control over. There are no guarantees that you will impress a future employer or even make it past a phone interview. However, the one thing you do have control over in your job search is your attitude. Throughout my professional experience, I have observed that negative attitudes are most often based on fear, lack of confidence, or past defeats. With a negative attitude, you are fighting yourself as well as thousands of other applicants for the same job. However, choosing a positive approach even in the midst of adversity will instill the tenacity and intrepid resilience needed to persist in the face of constant competition and possible rejection.

Job seekers must also become keenly aware of how attitude affects everyone in immeasurable ways.  Take several moments to reflect on your own attitude – regarding work, salary, career history, and your ideal future job. Consider how does one’s expectations influence attitude? How does one’s attitude alter expectations? How are positive attitudes displayed? How would an individual giving an interview know if the applicant sitting across the desk had a positive attitude or a negative attitude? What signs are given? What nonverbal cues are broadcast to others either consciously or unconsciously? Why would attitudes be taken into consideration in the work place? After all, an employee is there to work, not necessarily to make friends.

A positive attitude is a soft skill that inspires others. Anything less can and will affect the group. Consider examples of your favorite or least favorite managers and how they have displayed an attitude and what, if any, effect occurred as a result. Are people more apt to follow someone displaying a certain attitude or not? Positivity is also a trait found in strong and stalwart leaders.

Consider the following tips to follow throughout your job search in order to maintain a positive attitude:

1. Goal-Setting

Establishing a positive attitude is enabled by goal-setting. It begins with a strong belief system that anything is possible if you have the courage, commitment, and perseverance to achieve your aspirations. Develop a 5- year plan. Awaken each morning and review your goals in order to stay motivated throughout the day during your job search.

2. Take Charge

Be accountable for your own actions by taking responsibility for everything you do. You are in control of your destiny. Don’t let a challenging day or rejection send your search in the wrong direction. Take initiative in doing everything possible to prepare and position yourself for your ideal future job.

3. Don’t Take Things Personally

It’s all too easy to take your struggles within the job search process a little too personally. While it’s important to learn from your experiences, consider them as constructive criticism and grow accordingly.

4. Maintain A Schedule

Creating a schedule that you maintain can often send your job search in a new direction. Focus your attention on your daily tasks to prevent yourself from feeling frustrated.

5. Continue Enhancing and Diversifying Your Skill Set

A negative attitude might result from boredom and feeling stagnant. Work to ensure that your skills are staying fresh and cutting-edge during your search. Pursue a continuing education class, attend conferences and webinars, or even volunteer at a local nonprofit in order to strengthen your skills.

6. Take It One Day at a Time

Your attitude may suffer when you are continually spending your time worrying about the future. Take your job search one day at a time and understand that small steps get the job done just as well as larger ones. Remember, the only way to eat an elephant is one piece at a time.

7. Establish Rewards For Yourself

Make time in your job search for rewards. Even the smallest success is something worth patting yourself on the back for. By rewarding yourself for the various victories along the way, you become your own champion which will inevitably instill confidence and fortify your positive attitude.

By making a commitment to demonstrating a positive attitude throughout your career campaign, you will both make the process less painful and you will generate successful results. A hiring manager will be 100 times more likely to invite you back for a second interview if you demonstrate the exuberance and confidence that a positive attitude instills.

Guest author, Victoria Andrew, CPRW and Owner/Director of Words Prevail, LLC  www.wordsprevail.com 

Victoria Andrew offers resume writing solutions and will be happy to help position new grads for career campaign success with her diverse portfolio of services.

Kavaliro Employment Agency has offices in Tampa, Fla., Charlotte, N.C., Orlando, Fla.  and Washington, D.C. and can make sure you find the right people for this important role. We are ready and waiting to help you anytime and look forward to hearing from you.