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How to Control Your Body Language in an Interview - Tech Staffing Agency, Kavaliro

Written by Kati | Jul 31, 2015 2:57:58 PM

Did you know that body language says a lot about who you are? The way you position yourself can make a huge impact when it comes to first impressions. Kavaliro’s Jacque Cavins was recently on FOX 35’s Good Day Orlando to share advice on how to perfect your body language when it comes to interviews.

Manage Your Facial Expressions

Your facial expression shows personality. You want to come across as warm, sincere, appealing and interested. This doesn’t just mean your smile – your forehead says a lot, too. Keep your face as relaxed as possible so it doesn’t seem like you’re frowning or uninterested.

Control Your Walk

The way you walk shows confidence. As soon as you enter a building, be sure to walk with a straight back. Judgments are generally made within the first few seconds, so it is important to walk directly towards the person who is leading you with your body open in their direction. When the interviewer brings you into the office, take notice of his or her pace as they lead you back. If they are quick and in a rush, duplicate this speed and don’t linger behind. Be mindful of your steps.

Keep Eye Contact

It may seem obvious that eye contact is important, but a lot of interviewees tend to forget this once the questions start. You may look unsure if you are looking around or up at the ceiling. While you don’t have to know an answer to every question, be sure to maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to.

Have a Strong Handshake

Be sure to always give a brief and firm handshake. Often times, your handshake is the first way you will be evaluated. Avoid any lingering and state your name when you introduce yourself. If you happen to have sweaty palms, keep a napkin in your pocket and grab it once right before the initial handshake.

Maintain Your Posture

Just as the way you walk, posture shows how much confidence you have. When you walk into a room, do your best to stand up straight with your shoulders back. Not only is this good for your posture, but it is also good for business. Your posture can show that you are interested and engaged or do exactly the opposite.

Don’t Cross Your Arms

When people see you crossing your arms, they tend to take it as you closing off from others. When your arms are open and facing forward, it shows that you are open to others and interested in hearing what they have to say.

Try Not to Fidget

It is easy to fidget when you are nervous or uncomfortable. It can be awkward to sit or stand and not do anything with your hands. People tend to solve this problem by crossing their arms, fidgeting or even tapping their fingers. If you find yourself fidgeting, try holding a pen or a notepad to make yourself more comfortable.

Tech Staffing Agency - Kavaliro Employment Agency has offices in Tampa, Fla., Charlotte, N.C., Orlando, Fla., Washington, D.C., Jacksonville, Fla. and Petaluma, Ca. and can make sure you find the right people for any important role. We are ready and waiting to help you anytime and look forward to hearing from you.