Lose weight. Exercise more. Save more money. Read more. We’ve all run down the list of big, ambitious New Year’s Resolutions and most likely, we’ve failed on a few over the years as well. However you plan to accomplish your goals, I urge you to consider adding a few to your professional resolutions that you can most definitely accomplish.
1. Take more walks.
Don’t worry, this is less about fitness and more about resetting your mind and getting you out of that chair! Utilize your breaks to take a quick walk outside or even use your lunch break to do some laps at the mall. Physical activity, email low impact, can get your mind refreshed and improve your focus.
2. Once a week, learn something new about your field of work.
If you subscribe to industry groups that send out newsletter, or join a group on MeetUp.com, you can have information directly emailed to you. Are you an expert? Take time to share your knowledge by contributing a blog post or tutoring a student.
3. Choose to stay positive.
Oldie but a goodie and easier said than done, but choosing to keep a positive attitude will help in every aspect of your life. Your co-workers will be more keen to work with you and your managers will count on you to be a leader. If you need a quick pick me up check out our 5 TED Talks for Sales Professionals blog.
4. Find and use time saving technology.
There are thousands of apps to help you focus, keep lists, manage your time or even block you from social media during work hours. Identify some of your struggles and then let technology work for you! Some of my favorites are aText, a text accelerator, and Trello, a group project management tool.
5. Mentor or be mentored.
Being a mentor or mentee does take a little extra work, but it’s worth it on both sides. As a mentor you are reminded of all you know while contributing to a more junior employee’s career. As a mentee, you get to practice communicating with more senior professionals as well as learn from their hard work. It’s a win-win all around. At Kavaliro not only do we have an internal mentor program but we also mentor college students from UCF. We know for a fact being a mentor or being mentored is very rewarding.
No matter what goals you set for the new year, your growth is all up to you and the choices you make. We wish you a fantastic 2019!