How Your Resume is Making You Look Unreliable

Crafting the perfect resume isn’t always easy. Job seekers often include information that gives hiring managers the wrong impression. Be sure your resume isn’t making you look unreliable with these tips from Kavaliro’s Resource Manager, Noelle Cipollini. Also, make sure to check her out on FOX 35’s Good Day Orlando.

Weak Word Choice

Using very broad or generalized terms doesn’t set you apart from the competition. Show results in your resume by using examples like “decreased expenses by 40% or increased sales by $1 million.” Showing the actual results you achieved will set you apart.

Short Stints and Gaps between Positions

There’s a difference between a contractor/consultant and someone who is not able to hold a job. If your part-time or freelance work on the side isn’t relevant to the position you’re applying for, leave it off your resume. According to Forbes, the average hiring manager spends 6.25 seconds reviewing a resume, so it’s extremely important to make sure it’s full of the most relevant information for the position.

Deflecting Blame and Oversharing

Your resume is not a place to defend yourself – it’s where you shine. If you start deflecting blame while explaining your resume, it indicates that you would be likely to do so in a new position. It’s no secret that managers want to work with someone who is flexible and a team player, so don’t start off on the wrong foot by sharing a negative experience. If blame is depicted on a resume, it’s a good indicator that issues will arise if the employee is hired.


Make sure your object is related and focused on the position at hand. Don’t use a broad phrase, make it specific to this position. If it is too generic, hiring managers will read right past it.

Over Explaining

No one wants to read a novel when they review a resume, so keep it concise and to the point. There’s no way to fully explain all the work you do, so highlight your strengths and prepare to explain more during an interview. Over-explaining usually indicates that a candidate is covering something that they don’t want a hiring manager to find out.

Kavaliro Employment Agency has offices in Tampa, Fla., Charlotte, N.C., Orlando, Fla., Washington, D.C., and Jacksonville, Fla. and can make sure you find the right people for any important role. We are ready and waiting to help you anytime and look forward to hearing from you.